Thursday, March 27, 2014

Shaving my head again.

Just a little about my baldness and shaving your head.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

V-Day Shave

So I decided to I am shave my head for V-Day - a global organisation fighting to stop violence against women and girls, including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM), and sex slavery. Your donations will go towards opening safe-houses, healing centers, schools and orphanages and providing education and healthcare for women all over the world. The website it still open for those of you interested in supporting this wonderful cause... And a special thank you to all of those who have already contributed! Namaste~

And if life were simpler?

A fotógrafa Claudia Regina adota um estilo de vida simples e evita consumir além daquilo que considera essencial. Sua escolha também se reflete em seu estilo e em sua aparência. Nessa entrevista, Claudia conta quais são os comentários que costuma ouvir por ter os cabelos raspados e fala sobre como as mulheres são oprimidas pelos padrões de beleza. Entrevista que fiz em conjunto com a jornalista Andrezza Czech, para o Portal UOL(

Translation: The photographer Claudia Regina takes a simple lifestyle and avoids consuming beyond what we consider essential. Your choice is also reflected in their style and their appearance. In this interview, Claudia tells which comments do you listen to have the heads shaved and talks about how women are oppressed by the standards of beauty. Interview I conducted together with Czech journalist Andrezza for the UOL portal (

Sunday, March 23, 2014

shaving my head? haha

shaving my head because of a bald spot due to lupus/autoimmune problems.. I had some fun :) thanks Mandy!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Shaving heads for a friend

In February 2014, one of Gerdi McKenna's friends wrote an email requesting a photoshoot for all her friends as she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months before ... and this what happened