Saturday, August 17, 2019

shaving my head

Bald Women - TV Tropes

I usually focus on videos of women who shave their heads or who are bald for any of a number of reasons. I thought maybe a new link that explains bald women in popular culture would be helpful. Sci-Fi is probably the most common depiction of bald women as positive and powerful. This wiki has a lot of folders to explore, and you'll find it interesting reading. There is also a good deal about bald women in real life. Here is an excerpt from that folder:
Shaved heads have become a minor fad among young women in the last few years, with even more partially shaving off their hair. With the increasingly common appearance of this trope, it has become increasingly "domesticated" in the way the leather jacket has. While it's still associated with badass and tough women, it's become common enough that some bald girly girls exist. Joelle Amery, a pop singer and alopecia activist who is Always Smiling, is at the forefront of the "bald girly girl" trend, which while it may take awhile to catch on, is becoming increasingly common.