Sunday, November 28, 2021

HOW TO DARE TO SHAVE YOUR HEAD: 10 Questions That Will Help You Make Up Your Mind

A video from a life coach who has shaved her head at some point in the past.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Shaving Your Head As a Woman - Pros, Cons, and How to Rock It

 From the article:

It’s a fact: the shaved head look isn’t exclusive to men. Women with shaved heads are seen more and more in our society today, and they’re turning heads for all the right reasons. Shaving your head shows off the elegant line of your head and neck, accentuating your facial features for a look that’s entirely you.
There's plenty of advice about the benefits, drawbacks, self-care, and how to really express your own uniqueness.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

My friend is shaving her head for the first time

As Olga says, you don't need a translation into English to understand the emotions in this video. There is just so much positivity as Daria shaves her head (with Olga's help). In this case it's about friends supporting friends, and having a good time in the process. What's not to like?

Saturday, November 13, 2021

These Women With Alopecia Embraced Their Baldness on Their Wedding Day

This story on Vice is very inspiring.

“If someone does not want to marry me solely because of the fact that I don’t have hair on my head, why would I ever want to marry that person?”

Shaved My Head