Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Why I Buzzed My Hair, and Why You Should Too

Her advice is simple

 If you’ve ever wanted to buzz your hair, but don’t for any of the above reasons, then let me provide you with six reasons for you to take the plunge and chop it all off: 
  •  Cutting all of your hair off is so satisfying. Ever taken scissors to barbie hair as a kid? Imagine that, but ten times more fun. It’s a super cool sound, and you can give yourself a bowl cut for five minutes without ruining your life. 
  • It’s super cathartic, and a great way to release emotion in a way that is constructive instead of destructive. In a lot of ways it was symbolic for me, but cutting your hair like this can mean whatever you want it to mean, and it can be a good metaphor for letting go and releasing the things that are weighing you down.
  •  It’s super convenient. I never have a bad hair day, and I never have to worry about how to wear my hair in the mornings. 
  • It never gets in my way, never sticks to things, and you can see all of my cool piercings all of the time. 
  • You’ll save so much money on hair products. Shampoo, conditioner, dry shampoo, hair gel, hair mousse, even hairbrushes? Say goodbye. You’ll never need them again. 
  •  The buzz cut is iconic. I’ve never seen a woman look bad with a shaved head, and every room you walk into will notice you’re there. It will bring attention to your features, and make every outfit you wear so much cooler. 
  • You deserve to be happy, regardless of what other people think. You deserve to be free of societal expectations, and do whatever the hell you want with your hair.