I've been curating some new content and going through and removing posts where the links to the videos no longer work. Usually, what that means is I revert those posts back to draft mode just in case the content creators chose to temporarily make their videos unavailable. Sometimes, that is exactly what happens. Ultimately, that is up to the content creators.
For this blog, I look for videos that offer a positive and realistic perspective, so you have some expectations about what you will likely experience once you decide to shave your head for the first time. Trust me - it's the lowest maintenance style you can have. But there is maintenance, even if you are planning on shaving your head only once, as an item on your personal bucket list. So, I do try to include some how-to videos for everything from razor shaves (for those who prefer a smooth look), to maintaining a buzzcut. I occasionally post scalp care videos. Although there a lot of pros to shaving your head if you identify as female, there are also some cons, so I try to include some pro/con videos. That way, you have a better idea of what you'll probably enjoy from your experience, but also the negatives you'll experience. There seems to be less social resistance to anyone identifying as female shaving their heads than when this blog first started. There are still stares. There are still the annoying questions, and there are always the creepers. But at least there is hope that being bald and female is increasingly normalized.
Since everyone has their own unique journey to that moment when they shave their head for the first time, I really prefer to post videos where the content creators discuss why they are shaving their heads. For those who are bald due to conditions such as alopecia, I prefer videos where the content creators discuss what motivated them to be more open about their baldness. One common theme in a lot of those videos is a sense of irritation with social norms that make hair some symbol of attractiveness. The same social norms dictate what body types are supposedly attractive as well. Many of the content creators featured here express frustration about the double standard that allows men to be bald with little question but not so much for women. So in a way, this is a body positivity blog. Hair positivity is just another facet of body positivity. One of the cool things for me is sharing videos that make a statement: there is no ideal face shape, head shape, or clothing size needed to look good with a shaved or bald head. Some of content creators shave their heads because of hair damage. Others do so for religious or spiritual reasons. Still others want to make a statement. Yet others choose to keep their heads shaved for a long period of time. And still others just decided it would be a fun style to try out. Odds are in your favor that you will find someone on a video who shares your motives. That's a good thing.
Sometimes I'll post videos offering advice about makeup and accessories. Once you shave your head or once you decide that it is time to embrace your baldness, you find yourself dealing with the fact that your facial features really stand out. You also realize that you really need to take care of that sensitive skin that we call the scalp. One of the things I love about several of our content creators is how they show us that there are endless possibilities for experimenting with makeup and accessories. Sticking with the theme of positivity, I also post videos by content creators who see no need for makeup or accessories after shaving their heads.
I also post articles that offer advice about how to shave your head, how to maintain a shaved style, as well as articles sharing the experiences of women who do shave their heads. I am realizing that I probably should create a page with these placed together, rather than have them scattered over 1,000 posts. I've been updating the other pages as time permits.
Finally, let's be grateful to the women in the videos I've curated for sharing a facet of their lives with us. They didn't have to. They did because they had a message that they wanted to send to anyone viewing their videos: whether of them getting their heads shaved, offering their pros and cons of having a shaved head, giving tips on how to maintain a shaved head or buzz cut, or advice on how to accessorize if this is a look you want to maintain. My blog's intended audience gets it. It's just another hairstyle. Let's normalize it, already.