I've been spending some time to remove broken video links. Like anything else on the internet, vlogger content can come and go. Sometimes vloggers delete accounts. Sometimes vloggers decide to make content private (either temporarily or permanently). If content looks like it was made private, I simply revert posts to draft. Often, whatever caused the content to be made private gets resolved. Regardless, when a blog has been around for about 14 years, going through posts to revert broken posts to draft or delete them altogether takes some time commitment. Fortunately, I could make time this weekend.
The vloggers featured here may or may not know this, but they are likely encouraging or inspiring other women who have either shaved their heads or are thinking or doing so. In the case of hair loss, from any of a number of conditions (alopecia is most common), the vloggers are helping to normalize being bald. We owe them our thanks.
I will post new content as time permits.