Friday, May 20, 2022


From her video's description:

Shaving your head should really just be a simple hairstyle change, and for men it typically is seen as just that.


But for women and non-binary folx? It’s damn near impossible for us to do anything unconventional with our hair and not be met with, “WHY??” or, “You looked so pretty, nooo!” or, “You know, you can totally pull it off” or, “Is that like a political statement?” (fun fact: when I dyed my hair peach someone asked me if it was a political statement)


*eye roll*


Shaving my head is something I’ve always wanted to do so I decided to just do it! Bucket list item, check!


But I acknowledge that as a woman this IS a political statement because I am challenging cultural norms on femininity, beauty, and what’s expected of women. Note: women are NOT here for your viewing pleasure. Don’t like my hair? Move along!


Shaving my head is so freeing not just because I don’t have to worry about styling my hair anymore, but because I am literally shedding off one of my ties to society’s expectations of women: long hair.


I don’t know how long I’ll maintain the buzz, but I know I’m going to enjoy it while I do!