Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tired of trying to hide hair loss, these women are embracing being bald

This articleThis article features Alicia Flores who founded an annual event called Baldie Con (here is their Instagram profilehere is their Instagram profile). Here is a bit from the article:

Inspired by the community of support she felt in her own life, Flores said she poured her life savings into what she describes as her "passion project," an annual conference known as Baldie Con.

Baldie Con, which was held in September this year in Atlanta, is a two-day gathering for women who have hair loss issues, whether from alopecia or any other condition.

"That's what makes Baldie Con so special, is that we're inclusive," Flores said. "I just want them to be recognized for being special and beautiful and to know that they're loved and know that there's a community out there for them to embrace and to have any kind of information that's out there, whether it's about hair loss, different remedies, treatments."

The next Baldie Con will be late in September. Check their Instagram profile for more information.