I've shared plenty of videos and articles since that first post. I've looked for content that is positive, thought-provoking, and entertaining. If this blog got you rethinking some of our gender norms, that's great. That was and is the goal all along.
Bloggers have lives and get burned out. I've taken a few breaks here and there, including long year and a half break between October 2017 and May 2019. Posts and updates have been very consistent since then. When I logged on in May 2019 for the first time in ages, I decided I'd at least keep this blog going through its 15th anniversary. After that, I'll have to make a few decisions.
A lot will depend on whether I believe that there's enough of an audience for this blog to make it worth the time and effort to maintain it. We may be at a point where many are more jaded by social media, but I am not sure that means that blogs will make a comeback. This blog might get about one tenth of the visitors per month compared to its peak. For a while in late 2021, it looked as if traffic was going to return to what it had once been. Then last year happened. So, for now the plan is to keep this blog updated until its 15th anniversary. I will probably take another long break after that. Then I'll decide if this is worth continuing or if it's better to say "so long" to those who still do visit.
Regardless, I don't worry at all about the influence of females on various social media who shave their heads and challenge some outdated social conventions about gender. There's far more content out there than I could ever keep up with or find time to signal boost. Fashion sites and blogs have been better at portraying females with shaved heads or who are very open about baldness (due to alopecia, etc.) in a positive light and as a more mainstream fashion statement. There has been a lot of progress since 2008, and I think there is good reason to be optimistic. I may simply conclude that a blog like this is no longer necessary and that our society is more accepting of bald females than it used to be. If so, I will probably quietly bid you all adieu. We'll see.